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Monday, February 10, 2025   87 Classes | 5,835 Alumni registered out of 15,137
Register here for FREE and keep in touch with your fellow Wyandotte Alumni.

Click on the Class below to view Alumni list.

Total Alumni 5,835
This Month 0
This Year 0

Message Board
Visit the Dog Pound to view and post messages with fellow Wyandotte Alumni. Must be logged in to use.

In Memoriam
Click Here to view list of departed Alumni.

Questions or Problems please .

Questions & Answers

  1. What is this site for?
  2. What is a Quiverian?
  3. Why does the number of registered alumni go down sometimes?
  4. What does it cost to register?
  5. How do I register?
  6. My email address has changed. How do I update it on the site?
  7. How do I update my bio?
  8. What do I do if my name does not appear at the top of the page?
  9. How does 'Remember Me' work?
  10. How do I find an old classmate?
  11. I'm concerned about spam. Is my email address safe?
  12. Who can view my information?
  13. If I elect to keep my email address private why should I enter it then?
  14. Does this site use cookies?
  15. Can I post 'Now' pictures to my profile?
  16. How do I post my 'Then' picture?
  17. How do I post reunion information for my class?
  18. How do I find out about my upcoming class reunion?
  19. I have a loved one who graduated from Wyandotte and I would like to post information about them on the site. How do I do that?
  20. I'm having a problem registering, what do I do?
  21. Who built this site?
  22. I really like this site and would like to have a site built. Can you build a site for me?

What is this site for? is a site built for Wyandotte High School alumni to reconnect with fellow classmates from all graduating classes of Wyandotte.
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What is a Quiverian?
Wyandotte's school yearbook is named the Quiverian.
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Why does the number of registered alumni go down sometimes?
The reason you might see the number of registered alumni go down or the number of overall alumni listed on the site go down is because sometimes people will not register under their name that is already listed or they will register twice. Usually those that register twice either forget that their already registered or don't read the list of names that matched theirs when they tried to registered. It is for this reason that I will periodically audit the alumni database and remove any duplicate alumni entries.
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What does it cost to register?
Registering is completely free. The cost to build, maintain and host the site is paid for by me.
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How do I register?
To register, simply click 'Register here' on the left side of the screen. You will be asked to enter your first initial, last name and the year you graduated. Then the system will check to see if you're already listed in the database. If you are you will be presented with the matches. If you see your name simply click the 'Select' button next to your name and you will be given the complete form to fill out. If your name doesn't appear you will be given a link that says 'Click here to complete the new user registration form'.
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My email address has changed. How do I update it on the site?
You can change your email address on the site at any time. Simply login and click on your name shown in red at the top of the screen. This will take you to your profile page where you can edit all of your information using the links on the right side of the page.
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How do I update my bio?
Simply login and click on your name shown in red at the top of the screen. This will take you to your profile page where you can edit all of your information using the links on the right side of the page.
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What do I do if my name does not appear at the top of the page?
First make sure that you have logged in. If your name does not appear at the top then click on the Quiverian logo to reload the home page. If you have logged in this will make sure that your name appears. If your name still doesn't show up then double check that you have cookies enabled in your browser.
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How does 'Remember Me' work?
The 'Remember Me' function will allow you to visit the site without having to log in each time. This requires the site to write a cookie to your browser that identifies you to the site so that you will be recognized without logging in. The only requirement for this to work is that you visit the site from the same computer each time otherwise you will need to log in.
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How do I find an old classmate?
There are several ways to find classmates. To find classmates that might be registered you can click on the 'New Alumni' link on the left to view a list of all registered alumni or you can select the graduating year from the left to view either the registered alumni or the entire class list for that class. Not all classes have everyone listed yet but we're trying to get all of the names.
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I'm concerned about spam. Is my email address safe?
Email privacy is an important issue and one I don't take lightly. When you register you can elect to keep your email address private. This will prevent anyone from viewing it. When you make it open to the public I've added another layer of security in that only those alumni who are registered AND logged in can view an email address on an alumni profile. I DO NOT and WILL NOT ever sell the email addresses (or any other personal info) from this site.
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Who can view my information?
All information that you enter in your profile is open to the public with the following exceptions. If you choose to make your email address public it can still only be viewed by those registered alumni who are logged in at the time. Any information that is posted by you in the Dog Pound message board also can only be viewed by registered alumni.
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If I elect to keep my email address private why should I enter it then?
Even though you make elect to keep your email address private it is still required to register. The primary reason for this requirement is to help me validate that the people signing up are who they say they are. Anyone can enter a fake email address but by requiring a legitimate one I can make sure that the site is being used the way I intended to and that no malcontent can get on the site and disrupt things. It is also required to so that I may, once a month, send out a newsletter letting everyone know about enhancements to the site.
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Does this site use cookies?
This site does use cookies. Most sites on the web today do. The primary use of cookies on this site is for the 'Remember Me' function discussed above. I also use cookies for security reasons to make sure that each alumni is entered by a legitimate person and not someone registering for some one else and putting in bad information. It's an unfortunate nature of the web but one you have to look out for.
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Can I post 'Now' pictures to my profile?
Each alumni can upload up to 10 'Now' photos to go along with their profile. A donation of $20 will allow you to upload up to 20 'Now' photos as a time. Each photo can have it's own caption as well. If you wish to change out your photos you can simply delete an old one and upload something new. All photos should be no wider than 450px and must be in jpg format. If your photos are larger than 450px wide then they will be resized automatically prior to posting.
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How do I post my 'Then' picture?
The 'Then' photo is reserved for your senior yearbook photo. You can post one 'Then' photo. All 'Then' photos should be no wider than 92px and in jpg format. All photos uploaded larger than 92px wide will be automatically resized prior to posting.
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How do I post reunion information for my class?
Each class can have one person be designated as the reunion contact for their year. That person can then post information regarding their reunion which will then appear on the home page. If you are the class reunion organizer for your class and someone else has already designated themselves as the reunion contact and you wish to dispute it you can email me and I will help facilitate a resolution if necessary.
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How do I find out about my upcoming class reunion?
Any class reunion information that is available will be accessible on the home page by class.
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I have a loved one who graduated from Wyandotte and I would like to post information about them on the site. How do I do that?
Due to Wyandotte's long history we have an increasing older alumni population. If you know of a classmate who has passed away please let me know so that I can mark them as deceased on the site. If you have information regarding an alumni whom you're related to that has passed away you may email me their information and I will post it for you.
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I'm having a problem registering, what do I do?
Any time you run into a problem, such as an error, or just a question please email me and I will be more than happy to help you. In the case of an error message, please copy and paste it into an email and send to me. This will help me help you much faster.
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Who built this site?
My name is Dwen Doggett and I'm a Class of 1985 bulldog. I've been building websites and internet applications for over 10 years. The past several years I've also expanding into web analytics and marketing. You can view a list of some of my client work at my company site
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I really like this site and would like to have a site built. Can you build a site for me?
I've had a number of people ask this question and I'm open to talking with anyone about their web needs. If you have a website that needs work or a new website just email me with what you're looking for and we'll go from there.
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